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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Urban Survival Preparation - Chris Martenson's Blog recently found a new and good site to visit.

It seems it is becoming more and more mainstream to have some type of preparation in place for, what we call "the pending collapse" and what others call "possible disruptions in society or the economy".

Chris Martenson does not bill himself as an economist. He tells people that he's a trained research scientist, and a former Fortune 300 VP. Most importantly, though he notes,....he's a concerned citizen.

Chris says that the next twenty years are going to look very different from the last twenty years. It is a worth a look at his site,

Martenson talks about "Self Resilience". About having good water sources,...about being able to grow your own food.....about making our lives easier and just plain simple.

I like what I read on this site especially when he talks about for preparing for societal or economic disruptions,....that there is night and day difference between "being zero percent self-reliant and 3 percent".

This rings true to me since I field alot of questions from people on "Survival Preparation" and many of them decide not to get prepared in any form or fashion believing that they are either too late to get started, or whatever they do won't be enough, why bother?. Yeah, I know a defeatist attitude when I see it, but as I learned in my business, "You can't want it more than they do".

I posted pieces of what Chris writes below:

"What should I do?"

It can feel pretty personally overwhelming to learn about all the economic, environmental, and energy challenges in store for us for the rest of this century. There's plenty of work to be done by governments and businesses, sure—but what about preparing yourself and your family for this quickly changing world? The choices seem overwhelming. Where does one begin?

Six years ago, I began to address these questions for myself and my family. I'll be honest; my first motivation came from a place of fear and worry. I worried that I could not predict when and where an economic collapse might begin. I fretted that the pace of the change would overwhelm the ability of our key social institutions and support systems to adapt and provide. I darkly imagined what might happen if a Katrina-sized financial storm swept through the banking system. I was caught up in fear.

But I am no longer in that frame of mind. Here, six years later, I am in a state of acceptance about what the future might bring (although I am concerned), and I have made it my life's work to help others achieve a similar measure of peace. While I am quite uncertain about what might unfold and when, I am positive that anyone can undertake some basic preparations relatively cheaply and will feel better for having done so.

I am passionately interested in helping others to gracefully adapt their lifestyles and adjust their expectations to a very different-looking sort of future. I have no interest in scaring you further, or having you approach the future with trepidation, anxiety, or fear. Quite the opposite. I want to let you know that adjusting and adapting can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling journeys you could undertake. It has been so for our family.

Just so you have a sense of the scope and the pace of these changes in our lives, I should mention that in 2003 I was a VP at a Fortune 300 company, forty-two years of age with three young children (the oldest was nine), living in a six-bedroom waterfront house, and by every conventional measure I had it all. Today I no longer have that house, that job, or that life. My "standard of living" is a fraction of what it formerly was, but my quality of life has never been higher. We live in a house less than half the size of our former house, my beloved boat is gone, and we have a garden and chickens in the backyard.

Peering in from the outside, someone might conclude that our family had fallen off the back of the American-dream truck with a thud. But from the inside they would observe a tight, comfortable, confident, and grounded family. We owe much of our current state of unity to the fact that we embarked on a journey of becoming more self-sufficient and discovered the importance of resilience and community along the way.

Anyone can do the same. But first, we must lay some groundwork and address the question, "Why prepare?" After that, we can delve into the details.

The Basics of Preparing
Becoming Resilient

In the interests of space, I am not reproducing all of Chris article, Part I - The Basic of Resilience",....please to go his web site and read both Part I and Part II.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...If I were preparing for "the pending collapse," (looking through the eyes of the adversary) I would be targeting sites like this and finding out who the owners of such sites and map it out are(home addresses and such). That is how I would plan on "the pending collapse." The research would not take me long and cost little to nothing if at that. I know you cannot divulge allot of your survival information for evil doers with that mindset (they are out there), but I just thought I throw it out there for us readers who think the best of people.
