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Showing posts with label evasion skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evasion skills. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Captivity, Escape, Evasion and Survival

Last week an American teenage boy kidnapped and held in captivity for five months, by Philipino militants associated with Abu Sayyaf and al-Qaida, escaped and evaded his way until he was provided aid by villagers. Kevin Lunsmann, 14 years old, had been taken captive with his mother and cousin while boating near Zamboanga City. His mother was released after two months and his cousin reportedly escaped captivity last month. Apparently after having gained some trust from his captors, Kevin escaped while supposedly bathing in a nearby stream.

Guerilla forces, operating in secret base camps, have to have a water source. Conducting patrols alongside running water sources such as streams and rivers to detect signs of Guerrilla activity, is a common Counter-Insurgency patrolling procedure and I wonder why de-briefings of the released mother and the escaped cousin did not lead Phillipino Army forces to the Guerrilla before.

Anyway,…… just some thoughts on captivity, escape, evasion and survival.

Captivity. The idea is to keep from becoming a captive. Having and utilizing knowledge of the Environment and Threats you will face in a particular area; possessing Situational Awareness; using counter-surveillance skills; and, not drawing attention to yourself are key to not becoming a captive. However, once a captive there are some things you need to consider/implement: do not be combative until you absolutely have reason to do so, as if you are uncooperative it may result in a beating and physical condition that is life threatening and certainly can greatly reduce any successful attempt at escape.

Intentionally use of the word “attempt” rather than “attempts” in the plural form. You have to figure that you have one,....repeat, one chance at escape. An unsuccessful escape attempt will most probably results in serious physical injuries or death. Instead, be compliant; lull your captors into thinking you are cowed; always plan your escape and execute at the best time and place; if your captors are giving proof of life for a ransom or other demands – be cognizant of what innocent things you can say on a video/audio recording that will help Friendlies find you. Find ways to leave clues of your presence around your detention area.

Escape. There are story and after story of captives who have found nails, pieces of wire and other things and have meticulously fashioned lock picks or other tools to help in an escape attempt. The prepared individual has tools hidden on and around his/her body and would not be found in a cursory search.

Evasion. Skills that are useful and indeed required for a successful evasion are:

* A plan. Once free where are you going to go, and avoid leaving sign of passage by sterilizing at least where you cross road, trails and other areas where sign of your passage is easily detected.

* Use terrain to your advantage. Always analysis the terrain for cover and concealment. Reduce any shiny spots on the exposed parts of your skin and anything you may be carrying. Mud, burnt wood and foliage can be used to help camouflage yourself. Use resting spots that provide cover and concealment and allow for observation of likely routes your pursuers will be on.

Survival. Skills that are useful/required for surviving while evading.

* Able to tell direction of travel using the Sun and the stars.

* Be able to read terrain and use terrain association. Valuable for finding the best routes, whether you are trying for a difficult route for pursuers or trying to find easy of movement. Also useful to detect best places to find water sources.

* Be able to use field expedient methods to procure and filter water.

* Be knowledgeable of poisonous and edible plants in the area. However, great the hunger is, water is more important. Given a decent physical condition when beginning evasion, you can go several days without food. Be considerate of what stomach upset natural plants can cause. Crapping your pants all day long does not lend itself to successful evasion and provides sign for pursuers to track….plus it will severely dehydrate you.

* Know how to construct survival shelters. Be considerate of the detect-ability of your shelter.

* The ability to set traps and snares may come in handy as may constructing survival hunting tools and weapons.

* The skill set to built fires is necessary for survival, however the escaped captive will probably not have fire making tools.  Knowing how to build a fire without a torch and how to keep that fire as covert as possible by using masking terrain and vegetation, burning only dry wood may save your life.     

The greatest survival aid is your mind and the best way to employ that is to be prepared for all threats. Preparation, both knowledge, training and equipment is what is going to keep you alive.